Our Expertise on AI & Strategy

AI & Strategy

 AI as a game-changer

In today's fast-paced world of technological advancement, AI is a game-changer, redefining what it means to be competitive and innovative. 

Generative AI is seen as a huge step forward in technology, with a significant potential impact on how legal work is done. This new technology is more than just another tool for lawyers; it's set to change the entire legal market. 

36% already tested AI

36% of in-house legal leaders who have already tested Generative AI technology believe that the amount of work outsourced to external counsel would decrease as a result of AI adoption. 

At InterAlia Consulting, our AI & Strategy service is designed to guide you through integrating AI into your strategic planning with a clear, straightforward approach. Our support is twofold: We assist you to achieve developing your unique Generative AI Strategy and help you understand and adapt to the AI-driven business model transformation to thrive in your competitive landscape.

AI Implementation and Adoption

AI Implementation and Adoption

We work with you to create a tailored AI strategy that fits your business goals and operational needs. This process includes a hands-on readiness assessment of your data and document architecture, as well as your knowledge management systems, to ensure you're prepared to leverage AI effectively. We don't just stop at strategy; we also advise on necessary change management and training initiatives to support your team through this transition. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to use generative AI to enhance efficiency and foster innovation across your operations.

Adapting to the AI-Transformed Competitive Landscape

Adapting to the AI-Transformed Competitive Landscape

AI technology doesn't just change how you operate; it changes how you need to compete. We help you navigate this new terrain by analysing the potential impact of AI on the legal market’s competitive dynamics. Together, we'll explore innovative approaches to adapt and evolve your law firm’s business model or your legal departments’ outside counsel relationships, ensuring you're not just keeping up but setting the pace in the industry.

By choosing InterAlia Consulting, you're gaining a partner dedicated to putting you at the forefront of AI integration. Our expertise in AI strategy, competitive analysis, and operational readiness equips you to turn AI from a concept into a core pillar of your strategic vision, ensuring you remain innovative and competitive in a rapidly changing world.

Andrea has been our sparring partner while creating the AI Strategy for the European Commission's Legal Service. Andrea's deep insight into developing digital transformation strategies, combined with a profound understanding of the practical implications of AI on legal workflows, provided crucial guidance to a structured approach with tangible impact.

Dr. Klára Talabér-Ritz - Deputy to Director and Legal Advisor at the Legal Service of the European Commission Team Leader in charge of Knowledge Management and AI

Related experience

  • Advising one of the leading Scandinavian law firms on the potential impacts of AI on business strategy, including the competitive environment and the firm's business model (2024);
  • Serving as a sparring partner to the responsible team leader in advising the Legal Service of the European Commission on the development of their AI strategy (2023-24);
  • Scouting and testing AI-based legal assistant tools, implementation of Harvey AI and Copilot for Microsoft 365 at Dentons Europe (2023-2024);
  • Development of a Generative AI strategy for Dentons Europe (2023);
  • Presentation for the compliance department of a major regional bank on the application possibilities and limitations of AI (2023);
  • Presentation for the legal department of a major regional bank on the application and potential implications of legaltech solutions and Generative AI tools in legal processes (2022);
  • Data Literacy Training for Lawyers. A joint project of Dentons Europe and Mercedes Benz (2022).